Wednesday, March 15, 2006


Dear Son,

Woo hoo! All finished with the finals for this quarter. It's pretty exciting. This is the easiest quarter I've ever had finals-wise, but it's been one of the most stressful in general. So much going on, and when things got busy, they all got busy at once. It doesn't rain, but it pours, I suppose.

The best part of being done with finals is that it's carnival time among the other law students. Everyone wants to go celebrate together, and the beer flows like Seattle rain. It's pretty outstanding.

Plus, the end of winter quarter means the start of Spring Break, and the start of the NCAA basketball tournament. Last year, I had finals all week, and so I missed most of the opening round games. Not this time. Tomorrow, the bar will open early, and we'll be there to watch them all, with no stress. No papers to write, no tests to study for, no classes to read for. And really, that's the best reward of all.

Love, Dad

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