Sunday, April 23, 2006


Dear Son,

I've been pretty delinquent about writing lately. I kind of have a lot to report, too - some interesting movies, a baseball game, a fun Easter visit with an old friend and her daughter, a moot court tournament that didn't go as well as I'd hoped...

It's funny how the urge to write comes late at night. If I was ever a novelist, I would drive you and your mom crazy. I'd get some idea in the middle of the night, and I'd get up and write until the sun came up. I'd probably do it now with this blog if my computer started up faster.

Anyway, I'm still here. And thinking about you. More to come - your mom officially started studying for the Nevada bar exam today. She'll be at it pretty hard for the next few months, and I'll have down time to do this sort of thing.

Love, Dad

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