Thursday, June 01, 2006

Kryptonite Papers

Dear Son,

I'm so bored. I'm writing a paper that isn't hard, but is for some reason painful beyond measure. It's like kryptonite to my writing skills. It's draining even to look at it. And that's odd, because I actually really enjoy the writing.

I think it's because it's kind of an academic paper, as opposed to a more litigation-y one. So dry. So over detailed. So non-impactful.

Oh, well. Nothing to do but keep slogging through. It'll all be over soon. Maybe I'll go ruin myself with an energy drink again. Hmmm...

For some reason this finals week has been particularly motivation-free. I don't know why, but there it is. I think I'm starting to get a it of senior-itis. School feels like such a waste of time and an unnecessary delay in what I want to do. Sigh.

Well, I'll feel better once I start working this summer. Soon I'll have my Rule 9 card, which means I can do limited and supervised legal practice. My boss is pretty excited to throw me into the arena for the combat, and I'm pretty excited to go. I think it'll pump me back up about law school and what I'm doing (and will do) again, kind of like the mock trial in Trial Advocacy did.

Alright. Back at it. Must... Write... Paper...........

Thanks for the break, son.

Love, Dad

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