Monday, June 12, 2006


Dear Son,


One more year in the bag. It feels so damn good. I always feel like school is so much effort for nothing. I know that's not true, but writing fake memos for fake clients for fake issues just gets old. Law school really ought to be two years with a third year "residency" of some kind.

It's always so nice in the summer, because I have a real job again (with a real paycheck), and I have my weekends back. Mmmmm, weekends. No having to spend Sunday reading case after case. No guilty feeling for falling behind (although I've been good about that this year). I can play golf, sleep in, screw around, blog (I've become so addicted), watch hours upon hours of the History Channel... Awesome.

It's going to be even better when your mom gets done studying for the Nevada bar exam. Right now she works all day and studies all night. Ugh. I don't think I'm going to feel like this summer has really started. But I love her for working so hard so we can move to Nevada with one less huge thing to have to juggle.

Love, Dad

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