Dear Son,
One of the things I’m learning about blogging/journaling is that the more interesting things that happen that you want to write about, the less time you have to write about them. I wish my computer was faster and less cumbersome – I’d keep it by the bedside and reflect on the day better. (On the other hand, the clack-clacking of the keyboard would probably drive your mom insane.)
It’s actually a little frustrating because I so much LOVE to write, and really appreciate the ability to do it without having to cite sources and double check links. Plus then I feel like the record is incomplete.
One of the few downsides to E-mail is that there aren’t any physical remnants of all the day to day back and forth. My friend Pete and I write back and forth almost every day – a lot of days three of four times. It’s probably a good thing, since otherwise I’d need to pay for a storage shed to keep everything (or, in truth, I probably wouldn’t write much at all). But still, there’s something about coming across a bunch of old letters in an attic.
But that’s why I’m doing this. Skipping out on the middle man, so to speak, and trying to write directly across the generation(s). And before this is done, it will be all printed out. I really ought to do it once a month or so, because who know when Blogger will crap out.
Love, Dad